The HighMark Course is designed to create …

… Growth of the Company

  • In the Strategic Management and MarketingSeminars you will learn how to increase your tangible competitive advantage through innovation and strategic positioning.
  • The Marketing Seminar also teaches: how to select, design, and introduce new products or services to your target markets; and how to translate that into a greater customer base and growth.
  • The Financial Management and Strategic Management Seminars will show how to procure and manage the financial resources required to fuel growth.
  • The Strategic Management and Human Resource Management Seminars will show how you can develop an organization and infrastructure to take your business to the next level.

… Increased Profitability

  • Growth must be accompanied by profitability. In theMarketing Seminar you will learn how to translate the unique value you offer into value-based pricing for greater profitability.
  • The Financial Management Seminar contains techniques and tools for effective financial management. This includes monitoring key ratios and financial indicators. These provide an early warning system for potential profitability problems.
  • The other critical resource that impacts your growth and profitability is your employees. The Human Resource Management Seminar helps you to assemble or refine your team and to improve motivation and satisfaction.

… Leadership Development

  • Great leadership starts with a clear and compelling purpose and the ability to focus resources on the attainment of that purpose.
  • The Strategic Management Seminar will show you how to define or refine your purpose in terms of your internal competencies and the needs of the marketplace.
  • All Four Seminars will show you how to focus your financial resources and your people on the attainment of that purpose – from your products, services and target markets to value propositions and the impact of your business.

Comments from Participants on

“By using the SBP Course principles, we developed a better understanding of our customers and our target niche.”

“We tripled the number of customers and expanded our geographic scope.”

“By taking a strong stand on ethics and the need for trust, we out-negotiated stronger companies to buy a US-owned factory and partner with the US management team.”

Comments from Participants on

“We improved our competitive differentiation and were able to increase our selling price and profitability.”

“Production was doubled from 45 to 90 tons/day and profitability increased by 400%.”

“The principles I learned in the Successful Business Principles Course helped me to increase productivity by 100%.”

Comments from Participants on
Business Leadership

“You know, I thought I wouldn’t learn anything at this seminar. But, I’m learning more than I ever learned at any other!”

“We developed and posted our Vision and Core Values for the business and increased profitability and performance standards.”

“I now prioritize and keep in focus my ultimate goal for the business, not letting any other business venture distract or compete with it.”